In my previous article, we explored the 20 most common symptoms of anxiety that affect millions of people worldwide. Being aware of these symptoms is the first step in getting your anxiety under control. This week, I’d like to invite you to dive deeper with me into understanding what causes anxiety in the first place by exploring the 12 most common anxiety triggers you should be cautious about.
Prolonged feelings of anxiety can be extremely hard on the body. As someone who has helped many people deal with anxiety and having experienced it myself, I can deeply empathize with the daily struggles it creates. My hope is that by shedding light on the most common situations that trigger anxiety, you’ll feel empowered to manage your feelings of anxiety in healthier, more loving, and compassionate ways.
Let’s get started.
Understanding the Nature of Anxiety
As I discussed in my previous article, anxiety, in essence, can be seen as a natural response of your body to perceived threats. It’s an intrinsic part of the human survival instinct – a warning signal, if you will, akin to the body’s alarm system. In situations we consider dangerous or unsettling, our bodies react by inducing a state of heightened alertness and readiness as a form of protection.
This innate reaction is deeply rooted in fear. But it’s worth noting the complexity within this fear. It’s not necessarily about fearing what we know, but often about fearing the unknown, the uncertain. A great proportion of this fear stems from a variety of situations that we find challenging, disconcerting, or at times, even overwhelming.
A Deeply Personal Experience
Anxiety is a wide-ranging, deeply personal experience. Its triggers can be as unique as the individuals themselves. That’s why it’s important to remember that what may cause anxiety in one person may not necessarily be a trigger for someone else. As they say, one man’s poison is another man’s medicine.
With this in mind, I’ve identified 12 common situations where anxiety tends to surface most frequently. These are definitely not exhaustive, but they serve as a solid starting point, allowing us to delve deeper into understanding the multifaceted nature of anxiety and the most common types of situations that trigger it.
As we go through each of these anxiety-inducing situations, remember that identifying your own triggers is the first step in managing your anxiety. Knowing what causes your fear and anxiety will equip you with invaluable insights. And this knowledge can guide you towards effectively coping with your anxiety.
12 Common Anxiety Triggers You Need to Be Aware Of
1. Work and Career Worry
“Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there’.'”
– Eckhart Tolle
Workplace stress, such as dealing with tense relationships or tight deadlines, can be a significant anxiety trigger. Challenges like facing job insecurity, pressures to excel, and long hours can lead to unease and worry.
- The pressure of meeting expectations, amplified by our desire to succeed and be recognized, can precipitate anxiety. Navigating this remains a challenge due to the uncertainties of outcomes.
- Imposter syndrome acts as a potent trigger, causing us to feel like frauds waiting to be discovered. This continual self-doubt fuels anxiety, leading to a self-perpetuating cycle.
- Anxiety can also stem from the fear of job loss. The financial instability implied by unemployment, and the stress of job hunting, can wreak havoc on our sense of well-being.
- Anxiety is often invoked by upcoming work commitments like presentations or deadlines. The stress of being evaluated and the pressure to perform can adversely affect your health and escalate your anxiety levels.
2. Financial Problems
Often, anxiety can be traced back to monetary concerns, which is understandable as financial stability plays a crucial part in our lives. It’s an unnerving feeling when our financial state seems unreliable or beyond our control. Let’s take a look at a few examples where financial issues could potentially induce anxiety:
- Encountering unexpected high-cost expenses such as emergency medical care or urgent home repairs, without having a sufficient savings buffer to cover them.
- Job loss without having any secondary source of income or recovery plan.
- Being burdened by student loans or credit card debts that seem daunting and immense.
- Struggling to accumulate enough savings for milestone acquisitions, such as buying a house for the first time, or other significant expenses.
3. Social Pressures and Unmet Expectations
“The only pressure I’m under is the pressure I’ve put on myself.”
– Mark Messier
Living in a society often conveys implicit standards of appearance and acceptable behavioral patterns. Consequently, as individuals, we may develop internal pressures, creating an unseen but substantial source of anxiety. For example:
- Experiencing societal pressure to appear constantly ‘happy’ despite authentic emotions can lead to poor well-being and increased anxiety.
- Social situations such as parties or public events can instigate social anxiety disorder. This is marked by intense worry, self-consciousness, and a fear of being judged, embarrassed, or humiliated.
- Body-image pressures, driven by society’s depiction of an ‘ideal’ body, can lead to substantial worries, particularly among women who internalize this thin ideal and engage in social comparisons.
- Failing to achieve social milestones such as getting married, having children, or owning a home can lead to feelings of anxiety, and a sensation of being left behind or judged for not being successful.
4. Health Worries
It’s perfectly normal for our minds to spin out of control at the first sign of a health scare – whether it’s an unfamiliar ache, a brand-new pain, or a worrying symptom. There are several health-related situations that often kick our anxiety into overdrive:
- Panic at the sight of an unusual mole or a sudden change in your skin tone – could it possibly be skin cancer?
- Feeling a strange tightness in your chest and being plagued with the horrific thought – is it a heart attack?
- Having a family history of certain diseases and living in the perpetual fear of displaying similar symptoms.
- Receiving not-so-pleasant news at your annual health check-up – high cholesterol, for instance, can set off alarm bells in your mind.
5. Relationship Problems
Relationship problems, spanning from romantic entanglements to friendships and family relationships, often pave the way to anxiety. Conflict, breakups, and toxic or unbalanced relationship issues can stir up significant stress, leading to anxiety. Here are a few examples:
- Coping with trust issues: Difficulties in trusting your partner can lead to a constant state of worry or fear.
- Enduring criticism: Regularly being the target of harsh words or criticism can create a tense environment, fostering anxiety.
- Managing arguments: Frequent disagreements, particularly if they’re unresolved or left to fester, can intensify feelings of unease.
- Feeling neglected or overlooked: When you feel like your needs are consistently being ignored, it can create an ongoing state of stress.
- Dealing with distorted communication: Not being able to communicate effectively, or feeling misunderstood, can certainly be an anxiety trigger.
- Maintaining a relationship with a narcissist or an emotionally/physically abusive person.
6. World Events
It’s completely natural to experience a sense of worry or unease in response to distressing global occurrences like:
- Environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, or hurricanes.
- Health crises such as worldwide pandemics leading to loss of lives and disruption of daily activities.
- Economic disturbances or societal strife propagating a sense of global insecurity.
- Instances of terrorism or violent acts in locations previously deemed safe.
- Exposure to conspiracy theories and fake news that propagate fear.
7. Parenting Stress
Concerns about children often stir up feelings of anxiety for many parents. The triggers may include but are not limited to the following:
- A health-related scare may transform even a common cold into a severe medical concern.
- Future career prospects and financial security of kids can be a constant source of worry.
- The societal expectation to be ever watchful or ‘helicopter parents’ can drive up anxiety levels.
- Struggles with conception and infertility can induce significant stress.
- Concerns for the emotional and mental health of the offspring could lead to persistent worry.
8. Unresolved Past Trauma or Abuse
Past traumatic experiences, including PTSD and abuse, can deeply impact individuals, leading to lingering anxiety. This can manifest through troubling memories triggering panic attacks or flashbacks, fear of recurrence of past events, and difficulties in maintaining healthy relationships post-mistreatment. For instance, anxiety related to trauma or abuse can manifest in many scenarios, such as:
- Interacting with people who resemble the abuser in any manner, such as similar physical traits or behaviors.
- Visiting places or engaging in activities related to the past traumatic event.
- Observing dates or anniversaries that pertain to the trauma.
- Encountering triggers in movies, news, or social media involving abuse or violence.
- Experiencing certain sounds, sights, or smells that remind one of the traumatic incident.
Unresolved trauma, repressed pain, grief, and other deep-seated emotions can often lead individuals to resort to alcohol, drugs, or misuse prescription medications in an attempt to numb the distress. This act, however, tends to serve as a temporary fix and often exacerbates the issue in the long run. While addictions themselves may not be the root cause of anxiety, they can significantly worsen the condition. Hence, it’s of utmost importance to address the primary emotional triggers for a genuine and lasting solution.
9. Significant Life Changes
“Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.”
– Kahlil Gibran
It’s perfectly natural to feel a twinge of anxiety when there’s a major shakeup in your life. These significant life changes can usher in a wave of uncertainty and stress. You’re stepping into the unknown, and naturally, that can cause some apprehension about what awaits you. Easing such anxiety requires understanding and acknowledging it.
- Losing a job or starting a new one.
- Moving to a new place.
- Getting married or getting a divorce.
- Welcoming a new baby into the family.
- Retirement or going on disability.
- Being diagnosed with a serious medical condition.
- Experiencing a major financial change, like bankruptcy or unemployment.
- The death of a loved one.
- Having a serious accident or undergoing major surgery.
- Dealing with legal issues.
- Traveling to foreign lands and not speaking the language.
10. Loneliness and Isolation
The feeling of disconnection is such a profoundly human experience that it can induce overwhelming feelings of anxiety. This sense of disconnect can come in many forms:
- Feeling abandoned or emotionally distant from loved ones.
- Struggling to form meaningful connections in new environments.
- Experiencing a lack of common ground or understanding in social settings.
When we feel disconnected, we might feel as if we are alone in our experiences, exacerbating feelings of fear and anxiety. This sense of aloneness can be particularly magnified in a society where ‘connectedness’ is often reduced to the number of social media followers we have, leaving us feeling isolated despite being ‘connected’ digitally.
Isolation, whether physical or emotional, could lead to developing harmful addictions. Addictive behaviors often become a coping strategy to mitigate uncomfortable feelings of loneliness and anxiety. An individual may resort to harmful substances or negative behaviors to provide a temporary ‘solution’ to their distress. However, these often exacerbate the feelings of isolation in the long term.
11. Technology and Social Media
Our digital landscape, packed with many benefits, also comes with a unique set of stressors. Technological advancement, while enabling unprecedented levels of connection, introduces us to certain pitfalls. The following are some reasons:
- We are inclined to incessantly compare ourselves with others, given the skewed and idyllic representations of life portrayed on social media.
- An expectation to present an unblemished life narrative for our digital audience can amplify anxiety.
- The dreaded phenomenon of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) often strikes when we notice our friends embracing myriad activities on their virtual platforms.
- We can easily be overwhelmed and stressed due to the surfeit of information readily available at our fingertips.
12. Perfectionism
Perfectionism, paired with overly high personal expectations, can push us into a vortex of anxiety. This cycle cultivates a profound fear associated with mistakes, criticism, or failure to meet self-imposed standards. This self-imposed pressure can seep into different facets of life, including work, social interactions, and personal self-expectations. Here are a few examples:
- Work-Related: Continually fearing that you’re not doing a good enough job, and constantly scrutinizing your performance.
- Social Interactions: Avoiding social events or gatherings due to the fear of being judged or feeling not good enough.
- Academic Pressure: Constant unease in an educational setting, obsessing over every score or grade, fearing any score that is less than perfect.
- Personal Relationships: Obsessing over perceived imperfections in close relationships, constantly doubting your worth and fearing rejection.
- Physical Appearance: Persistent worry about your looks and body image, striving for an unattainable idea of physical perfection.
- Health and Fitness: Fearing any deviation from a strict diet or workout routine, associating self-worth with bodily perfection.
The Role of Genetics, Family History, and Personality Types
Genetics account for approximately 30% to 40% of the risk for anxiety, indicating that genes play a significant role. If one or both of your parents have an anxiety disorder, you’re more likely to develop one too. However, this doesn’t guarantee that you will suffer from anxiety if it runs in your family; instead, it heightens your vulnerability. It’s crucial to remember that your environment, experiences, and personal resilience also count significantly.
Often, the emotional patterns we’ve grown accustomed to, such as anxiety or continuous worry, are not entirely of our own making. Embedded in our family environments, these patterns can be a reflection of what we’ve learned to mirror as children. We’re not speaking about genetics here, but rather learned behaviors and responses. From a tender age, we start developing coping mechanisms based on those that exist in our surroundings.
Our personalities and individual characteristics significantly contribute to the likelihood and severity of anxiety disorders. For instance, if you have an inherent tendency towards introversion, shyness, or low self-esteem, or if you constantly strive for perfection, this can elevate your risk. These traits often lead us to internalize stress and fear, thus creating the conditions for anxiety.
Recognizing Your Personal Anxiety Triggers
The journey towards reigning in, healing, and transcending your anxiety begins with a crucial first step – awareness. By observing and acknowledging the situations that trigger your anxiety and how your body reacts, you equip yourself with a powerful healing tool. Remember, we cannot change that which we are unaware of.
These anxiety-provoking situations often elicit physical symptoms, which might seem alarming at first. However, it’s pivotal to understand the inherent innocence within you. Instead of perceiving these symptoms as threats, try viewing them as your body’s way of sending you a message. Your body is alerting you of a perceived threat, doing exactly what it was designed to do.
Addressing the Root Cause of Anxiety
At the heart of anxiety lies a single force: fear. Whether conspicuous or hidden in the depths of our subconscious, fear is generally the foundational emotion from which anxiety blossoms. It is crucial to understand that dealing with anxiety is not about battling the symptoms. Rather, it involves peeling back the layers of fear that lie beneath.
In essence, a thorough solution needs to address not only the fear but also recognize the emotions powering it, the belief systems associated with it, and its energetic/vibrational component. Once these components are understood, we can effectively use strategies like Heart/Brain Coherence and Emotional Self-Regulation. These techniques aren’t just designed to help us handle our anxiety but also to reprogram our brain and even alter our DNA—as corroborated by the field of epigenetics—leading to a transformative change in our reactions to fear and anxiety.
In the next article, we will further explore these fascinating techniques and how they can help you master your anxiety.
Final Thoughts
As we reach the conclusion of this article, remember: fear is a natural part of life, but anxiety is optional. Life’s twists and turns are inevitable, and fear or apprehension are natural reactions. However, constant worry, or anxiety, is not an essential part of the human experience. It’s crucial to remember that anxiety arises not from the situations we encounter, but from our body’s response to these events.
“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.”
– Hans Selye
If you’re currently experiencing feelings of anxiety, awareness is your primary weapon. Understanding the types of situations that trigger anxiety in you, and how your body responds to these perceived threats, is a necessary step in managing your anxiety once and for all.
Lastly, know that you’re not alone in this journey. As your coach and guide, I’m here to help you navigate these challenges, and use them to become emotionally resilient and spiritually stronger. Your heart, as your spiritual core, the center of your emotional system and your electromagnetic field, holds the key.
From my heart to yours,

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